Monday, March 7, 2011

Starting a New Job Today

I start training for my new job at the State Hospital at 8am Coffee cup.  I hope everything goes well.  I am as nervous as I have ever been.  Wish me luck everybody.  Here goes nothin!


Monday, October 5, 2009

my sister

this is my sister posing for pictures
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Thursday, June 18, 2009

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

my mother

Today has been 5 years since my mother passed on its still weird to think that shes not here and i don't think there has been a day in 5 years that i don't think about her she was one of the most caring people that i knew i only got 18 years with her and there were times i took her for granted but she was always there for me she loved her family more then anything she had such a big heart she especially loved her grand kids it makes me sad that Allison will never get to meet her down here but I'm sure she got time with her up there and i like to think that shes taking care of the one we lost its still hard to think of the stuff she wasn't here with me for my child being born my wedding and lots more but i do know that shes always with us even if we don't know it she is. i still have a very hard time with her being gone more now that i have a kid and you always need your mothers advice every now and then she was are teacher are mother are friend a daughter a sister a aunt a cousin a niece a wife and the best mother i will ever have i know shes looking out for all of us and will always be there for us i still and will always love her

Saturday, April 11, 2009

tutu cute

So i decided to make a tutu for Megen's birthday that's coming up. so if you guys read this don't let her see. i was trying to think of what to get her and then i thought i could make a tutu. so i got online don't you just love the web. and found out how. it was way easy and fun to do as you can see it needs a Lil improvement. but nothing to bad its way to big. i had Allison be the model and she loves it. so i think shes going to get one to. i told her this one was for Megan and she said yeah Megan love princess .
Allison was not happy about getting her picture taken so i let her stand on the table and she thought that was pretty cool

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Merry Christmas

well I'm still learning how to do this so please forgive me this is of are Christmas countdown and here is a picture of becca and allie they always go and get these buckets and stick on there head and run around in circles they remind me of that whip it music video
and here is allison as we where getting ready to go out in the cold after being sick in the house for almost a week she was very excited to get out of here

and here is are gingerbread house allie had lots of fun watching us put candy on and then her taking it off and eating it I'm surprised it even got done but you should see it now after a week it looks nothing like that and we do have a gingerbread man with i bite out of his head

here is allison with her snowman she loves it she takes it for rides and feeds it its very cute while taking this picture she was telling him to look at mommy snowman

here is the family photo this was up at Bryan and carols during are family Christmas party this was the best one we got so enjoy

its always nice to see these 2 get along which is rare that they do oh then can be nice when they want to but why do that i think its there age they are very cute together

allie is helping papa call out the numbers it was cute he would say it then she would say it just so we all knew what it was

here is me and my loving sister Emily she doesn't look very happy she looks very mad that she is getting her picture taken with me whats up with that

Tessa and Allie they are the same way together as her and Kaleb but we love it when they come to play even when they have screaming contests and i must say Tessa always wins

Aidan is almost as big as Allison

here is Brianna taking a pic of me while i take one of her

oh the lovely Santa photos i was sad that she didn't like him she was happy the whole time until she was put on his lap and then she got mad i even had Emily go put him on there oh she was happy when she got candy from him she even snuck a bag when no one was looking

aren't these the cutest PJ's i saw them at shopco and had to get them for her she loves them they are her Christmas jammys i wish i had some just like it

actually i think i did when i was younger

and here is are tree 2 i really wasn't looking forward to putting it up this year i was afraid Allie was going to break all my stuff but so far she has been really good she hasn't really tried to get the gifts well she just opened the one 2 Emily's family so now i have to re wrap it

the reindeer almost fell on her and she was terrified she likes to look at it and have some one push it so she can here it but she wont

well that is it most my pictures are blurry and i don't know why actually i think that is from my camera i don't know why some are on here and i cant get them off and i don't know how to turn them the right side up but oh well I'm still learning

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Hey, I'm blogging!

Dear Family and Friends....Wish me luck, because I have officially joined the world of blogging. I promise to (maybe) blog....(at least as much as you do). Enjoy! This picture was talen up in the Uinta's over Labor Day, 2008.